Everything You Need To Know About PCOS and PCOD

The reproductive system of women has huge importance and is responsible for the creation of a new life. However, the reproductive system of women also suffers from various kinds of medical conditions. A huge population of women in the world suffers from one or more kinds of reproductive diseases. PCOS and PCOD are some of the most common reproductive problems that a lot of women face.

pcod problem treatment

Both PCOS and PCOD are conditions that affect the ovaries of a woman and both conditions cause an imbalance in hormone production which generally results in abnormalities in the function of the reproductive system. Although both PCOS and PCOD have many similarities, they are not identical and have various differences that can separate one from the other. 

For example, PCOD generally does not affect the fertility of a woman, and women who have this disease can still get pregnant. This condition can be reversed easily with the help of PCOD problem treatment. PCOD is also a very common disorder and a good proportion of women from all across the world suffer from this condition. 

On the other hand, PCOS is much rarer and only a handful of women actually suffer from this medical condition. PCOS is comparatively harder to reverse and the PCOS treatment is very complex. Not only this, but PCOS can also affect fertility in women and most women who get affected by PCOS generally are unable to become pregnant. 

Despite all these differences, both medical conditions have similar symptoms. Some of the common symptoms that could indicate the presence of either PCOD or PCOS are abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility or hypertension Infertility, type 2 diabetes, preterm labor, premature childbirth, and metabolic syndrome amongst others. Hence, if you are witnessing any of the syndromes then you should immediately visit a clinic for the diagnosis of your condition. If you are diagnosed with either of the two medical conditions, then you should go for the treatment of the condition without any delay. 


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